
Lower chest
Dips gif

Coach's Tips

This is a bodyweight workout targetting chest. Depending on the position, you can target different areas of chest. Due to a high risk of injury, I recommend using a assist machine or a band!

How to Dips

Starting Position

1. Grip the parallel dip bars firmly with both hands, keeping your arms straight and your shoulders down.

2. Lift your body off the ground, with your legs slightly bent or crossed at the ankles for stability.

3. Engage your core and keep your chest upright, ensuring your elbows are close to your sides.

4. Begin in a fully extended position, with your arms straight and your body aligned vertically.

Proper Form

1. Inhale as you slowly lower your body by bending your elbows.

2. Keep your elbows close to your body and your back straight as you lower.

3. Stop when your upper arms are parallel with the floor.

4. Exhale as you press back up to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale as you lower your body.

2. Exhale as you press back up to the starting position.


1. Make sure to keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

2. Don_ let your elbows flare out to the sides.

3. Don_ lower your body too far. Stop when your upper arms are parallel with the floor.

4. Don_ bounce at the bottom of the movement.

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