Floor Inverted Shoulder Press

Shoulder, chest
Floor Inverted Shoulder Press gif

Coach's Tips

It's a body weight that can develop strong shoulder and chest muscles!

How to Floor Inverted Shoulder Press

Starting Position

1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your feet flat on the floor.

2. Place your hands on the floor in a staggered stance, with one hand in front of the other.

3. Maintain a neutral spine and brace your core muscles.

4. Lift your hips off the floor and press your heels into the ground.

Proper Form

1. Inhale and press your hands into the floor to lift your chest and shoulders off the ground.

2. Exhale and lower your chest and shoulders back to the ground.

3. Keep your hips lifted the entire time.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale as you press your hands into the floor and lift your chest and shoulders off the ground.

2. Exhale as you lower your chest and shoulders back to the ground.


1. Make sure to keep your core muscles engaged and your spine in a neutral position throughout the exercise.

2. Do not overextend your arms or shoulders and be sure to keep your shoulders down and away from your ears.

3. Do not let your hips drop to the floor.

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