One Arm Landmine Press

Front shoulder
One Arm Landmine Press gif

Coach's Tips

It's an effective workout that can develop your front shoulder!

How to One Arm Landmine Press

Starting Position

1. Stand sideways to a landmine, with the side of your body closest to the landmine's base.

2. Grasp the handle of the barbell with one hand, and position it at your shoulder level.

3. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged throughout the exercise.

4. Keep your arm straight, and maintain good posture.

Proper Form

1. Inhale and press the barbell upward, extending your arm fully.

2. Exhale and slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.

3. Keep your core engaged and your arm straight throughout the exercise.

4. Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale as you press the barbell upward.

2. Exhale as you lower the barbell back to the starting position.


1. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to protect your back.

2. Make sure to maintain good posture and keep your arm straight throughout the exercise.

3. Make sure not to press too quickly, as it can put unnecessary strain on your shoulder and elbow joints.

4. Make sure to use a light weight until you have mastered the form and technique.

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