Barbell Drag Curl

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Coach's Tips

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How to Barbell Drag Curl

Starting Position

1. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the entire exercise.

2. Keep your elbows close to your sides and don't let them flare out.

3. Avoid jerking or swinging the barbell up. Use a slow and controlled motion.

Proper Form

1. Keeping your arms extended and your back straight, drag the barbell up your body.

2. As you drag the barbell up, concentrate on keeping your elbows close to your sides.

3. When the barbell reaches your upper chest, pause for a moment and then lower the barbell back to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. Breathe in deeply as you drag the barbell up your body.

2. Exhale as you lower the barbell back to the starting position.


1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell with an overhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Keep your arms extended and your back straight.

3. Slightly bend your knees and keep your core engaged.

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