High Knee Lunge on Balance Trainer

Knee, lower body
High Knee Lunge on Balance Trainer gif

Coach's Tips

It's a workout that can improve knee stability through a Bosu-ball!

How to High Knee Lunge on Balance Trainer

Starting Position

1. Stand on the Balance Trainer with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Engage your core and press down into the Balance Trainer with your feet.

Proper Form

1. Lift your right leg and bring it up to hip-level.

2. Step forward and lunge down into the Balance Trainer, keeping your right knee over your ankle.

3. Push back up and bring your right leg back to hip-level, bringing your left leg forward.

4. Step back and repeat the movement with your left leg.

Breathing Technique

1. As you step forward and lunge, exhale.

2. As you press back up, inhale.


1. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise.

2. Make sure your knee stays over your ankle throughout the exercise.

3. Keep the movement slow and controlled.

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