Balance Trainer Push Up

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Coach's Tips


How to Balance Trainer Push Up

Starting Position

1. Place your hands on the balance trainer with your palms facing down. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet.

2. Maintain a neutral spine and keep your head in line with your spine.

3. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body.

Proper Form

1. Begin to lower your body towards the floor, bending your elbows and keeping them close to your body.

2. Lower yourself until your chest is just above the balance trainer.

3. Push yourself back up to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. As you lower your body down, inhale deeply.

2. As you push your body back up, exhale forcefully.


1. Make sure to keep your head in line with your spine to avoid neck strain.

2. Do not lock your elbows at the top of the movement.

3. Do not drop your hips or allow your body to sag in the middle.

4. Stop the exercise if you feel any pain or discomfort.

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