High knee skips

Burning calories
High knee skips gif

Coach's Tips

It's a workout that can develop your whole body's muscles, and it's also very good for burning calories, and the bigger you keep your posture, the more calories you burn!

How to High knee skips

Starting Position

1. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to ensure proper form.

2. Avoid leaning forward or backward, and keep your chest up.

3. Avoid locking your knees as you land.

Proper Form

1. Lift your right knee up towards your chest, keeping your arms bent at the elbow at a 90 degree angle.

2. As you lift your right knee, drive your left arm forward and your right arm backward.

3. Land on your left foot and immediately repeat the movement with the opposite leg.

Breathing Technique

1. Take a deep breath in as you lift your knee up towards your chest.

2. Exhale as you land on the opposite foot.


1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your arms bent at the elbow at a 90 degree angle.

2. Keep your head and chest up, and your core engaged.

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