Neutral Grip Pec Deck Rear Delt

Rear delts
Neutral Grip Pec Deck Rear Delt gif

Coach's Tips

It's a workout where you can feel the target to the posterior of your shoulder!

How to Neutral Grip Pec Deck Rear Delt

Starting Position

1. Sit on the pec deck machine with your back flat against the seat pad.

2. Place your forearms against the pads with your elbows bent at 90-degree angles.

3. Make sure your elbows are slightly higher than your shoulders.

Proper Form

1. Exhale as you slowly press the pads together, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

2. Keep your elbows bent throughout the entire movement.

3. Hold the contraction for a brief moment at the end of the movement.

4. Inhale as you slowly bring the pads back to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. Take a deep breath in before you begin the movement.

2. Exhale as you press the pads together.

3. Inhale as you return to the starting position.


1. Make sure to keep your elbows bent throughout the entire movement.

2. Don_ lock out your elbows at the end of the movement.

3. Don_ use too much weight. Start light and work your way up.

4. Don_ round your back as you perform the movement.

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