Seated Leg Press

Thigh training
Seated Leg Press gif

Coach's Tips

Seated Leg Press is the best workout to train your thighs. The target point varies depending on the position of the foot on the footrest!

How to Seated Leg Press

Starting Position

1. Sit in the leg press machine and place your feet on the platform, slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

2. Ensure your back is flat against the backrest and your feet are flat on the platform.

3. Adjust the weight according to your fitness level and grip the handles on the sides of the machine.

Proper Form

1. Press your feet against the platform and extend your legs to push the platform away from you.

2. Once your legs are fully extended, pause for a moment and then slowly return the platform back towards you.

3. Keep your back flat against the backrest and your core engaged throughout the movement.

Breathing Technique

1. Exhale as you push the platform away from you.

2. Inhale as you return the platform towards you.


1. Ensure your feet are flat on the platform and your back is flat against the backrest.

2. Do not lock your knees at the top of the movement and keep your core engaged throughout.

3. Start with a lighter weight until you are familiar with the movement and form.

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