Climbing stairs

Burning calories
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Coach's Tips

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How to Climbing stairs

Starting Position

1. Make sure to keep your back straight and your head up.

2. Take it slow and steady, and don't rush.

3. Stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort.

Proper Form

1. Step onto the first stair with your right foot, then your left foot.

2. Step onto the second stair with your right foot, then your left foot.

3. Continue to alternate feet as you climb the stairs.

Breathing Technique

1. Take a deep breath in as you step onto the first stair.

2. Exhale as you step onto the second stair.

3. Continue to breathe deeply and rhythmically as you climb the stairs.


1. Stand at the bottom of a staircase, feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Place your hands on the railing of the staircase for support.

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