Crossover Toe Touch

Abs, full body
Crossover Toe Touch gif

Coach's Tips

It is a workout that targets the muscles of the whole body with abs as the main focus. The more you maintain a wide stretch until the end, the more effective your workout is!

How to Crossover Toe Touch

Starting Position

1. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart, and your hands on your hips.

2. Make sure your back is straight, and your chest is lifted.

3. Keep your head in line with your spine.

Proper Form

1. Reach your right hand up and over the left side of your body, bending your torso to the left.

2. At the same time, reach your left hand down and across the right side of your body, bending your torso to the right.

3. Touch the tips of your fingers together in the center of your body.

4. Return to the starting position.

5. Repeat with the opposite side, reaching your left hand up and over the right side of your body, and your right hand down and across the left side of your body, touching the tips of your fingers together.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale as you reach your hands up and over your body.

2. Exhale as you touch the tips of your fingers together.

3. Inhale as you return to the starting position.


1. Make sure you are not straining your neck.

2. Keep your back straight and your chest lifted throughout the exercise.

3. Don_ try to reach too far - only go as far as your body allows.

4. Don_ force your body into uncomfortable positions.

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