Dumbbell Swing

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Coach's Tips


How to Dumbbell Swing

Starting Position

1. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells in front of you.

2. Your arms should be bent, with the dumbbells just above your knees.

3. Keep your back straight, abs engaged, and your core tight.

Proper Form

1. Swing the dumbbells back between your legs, engaging your glutes as you do so.

2. Then, explosively swing the dumbbells forward and up, extending your arms in front of you.

3. Allow the momentum of the dumbbells to carry your arms up to shoulder height.

4. Then, swing the dumbbells back between your legs and repeat.

Breathing Technique

1. Exhale as you swing the dumbbells back between your legs.

2. Inhale as you swing the dumbbells forward and up.


1. Make sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the entire movement.

2. Don't swing the dumbbells too high, as this can cause shoulder and back pain.

3. Don't use too heavy of a weight, as this can lead to poor form and potential injury.

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