One Arm Cable High Row

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Coach's Tips

한 손으로 케이블을 잡고 높은 위치에서 로우를 수행합니다.

How to One Arm Cable High Row

Starting Position

1. Stand facing a low pulley cable machine and adjust the weight to the desired amount.

2. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees.

3. Bend forward at the waist and grip the handle with one hand.

4. Pull your shoulder blades together and keep your chest and head up.

Proper Form

1. Begin the movement by pulling the handle towards the side of your body.

2. Keep your elbow close to your side and your wrist straight.

3. Exhale as you pull the handle towards your side.

4. Hold the peak contraction for a moment and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. Exhale as you pull the handle towards your side.

2. Inhale as you lower the weight back to the starting position.


1. Make sure to keep your back straight and your chest and head up throughout the entire movement.

2. Do not jerk the weight or swing the weight.

3. Keep your wrist straight and do not allow it to bend or break.

4. Be sure to use a weight that is appropriate for your strength level.

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