
여자 초보자 헬린이를 위한 최고의 헬스장 등 운동 5가지

여성의 건강을 위해서는 허리 운동이 필수입니다. 토닝 외에도 전반적인 건강과 웰빙을 향상시킵니다. 허리를 강화하고 활력을 불어넣는 여성을 위한 5가지 운동을 알아보세요.

헬스장에서 여자 초보자를 위한 최고의 운동 5가지를 소개합니다.

I generated chest workout routine for women with Planfit, and you can get more personalized workouts on Planfit.

Why Back exercises are needed for women? Benefits of chest exercises for women.

Back exercises are more than just a routine; they're a game-changer for your overall well-being. Here's what they can do for you:

    • Better Posture: With most of us spending hours at desks, back exercises help improve posture, making you stand tall and confident.
    • Improved Physique: Strengthening your back helps in achieving a balanced and graceful figure, eliminating slouched shoulders.
    • Natural Bust Lift: While it's no substitute for surgery, a strong back improves posture, enhancing your natural curves.
    • Less Pain: Say goodbye to constant back and neck aches. Regular back exercises provide the support you need to move comfortably.
    • Stress Relief: Working on your back muscles can help in reducing stress, leading to a more relaxed and focused mind.
    • Boosted Metabolism: Building back muscles can enhance metabolism, helping in weight management and increasing energy.
    • Practical Strength: A strong back makes daily tasks, like lifting objects, much easier.

5 Back Exercises for Women : How to, proper form, Tips

1. Lat Pulldown

  • Starting Position
    1. Sit down on the lat pulldown machine and adjust the knee pad so that your legs are secure.
    2. Reach up and grab the bar with a wide grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
    3. Lean back slightly and brace your core to maintain an upright posture.
  • Form
    1. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, exhale as you pull the bar down to the top of your chest.
    2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the bar down.
    3. Inhale as you slowly return the bar back to the starting position.
  • Coach's Tips
    Lat pulldown is a good workout for beginners as it uses a machine. If you are new to back exercises, we recommend you start with Lat pulldown.

You can see details Here, and can get alternative exercise for this on Planfit

2. Dumbbell Deadlift

  • Starting Position
    1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
    2. Your palms should be facing each other, with your elbows slightly bent.
    3. Keep your core engaged and your chest and head up.
  • Form
    1. Hinge at the hips and push your butt back as you lower the dumbbells down the front of your legs.
    2. Keep your back flat and your chest up throughout the entire movement.
    3. When the dumbbells reach your ankles, pause, and then drive through your heels to raise your torso back to the starting position.
  • Coach's Tips
    Deadlift is usually done with heavy weight, but if you have a low level of muscle strength or wish to train with high repetition of low weight, workout with dumbbells!

You can see details Here, and can get alternative exercise for this on Planfit

3. Back Extension

  • Starting Position
    1.  Lie face down on a back extension bench, with your feet secured underneath the footpads.
    2. Place your hands either behind your head or across your chest, depending on your preference.
    3. Keep your back flat and your core engaged.
  • Form
    1. Keeping your torso and legs stationary, slowly raise your upper body until it is in line with your lower body.
    2. Hold for a moment at the top, then slowly lower your body back to the starting position.
    3. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
  • Coach's Tips
    It's a great workout to develop your back, hips, and back of your thighs. It's a great workout for people with weak back or slipped discs in her back.

You can see details Here, and can get alternative exercise for this on Planfit

4. Seated Cable Row

  • Starting Position
    1. Sit on the seat with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.
    2. Place your hands on the cable handles.
    3. Lean forward slightly and keep your back straight.
  • Form
    1. Keep your arms straight, exhale and pull the handles towards your chest.
    2. Keep your elbows close to your body.
    3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together when the handles are near your chest.
    4. Inhale and slowly return the handles to the starting position.
  • Coach's Tips
    It's a crucial exercise to build strong back muscles. Try to control your shoulders and waist so that your back doesn't bend.

You can see details Here, and can get alternative exercise for this on Planfit

5. Seated Row Machine

  • Starting Position
    1. Sit comfortably on the seat of the machine and place your feet on the foot plate.
    2. Reach forward and grab the handles of the machine.
    3. Make sure that your back is straight and you are sitting up tall.
  • Form
    1. Start the exercise by pulling the handles of the machine back towards your chest.
    2. Keep your back straight and make sure your elbows are tucked in close to your body.
    3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the handles back.
    4. Slowly return the handles to the starting position.
  • Coach's Tips
    Seated Row is an essential exercise to build back muscles. Try to control your shoulders and waist so that your back doesn't bend.

You can see details Here, and can get alternative exercise for this on Planfit

For more workouts for women...

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  • 헬스장은 언제 가장 사람이 적을까?

    지친 몸을 이끌고, 귀찮음을 이기고 헬스장에 갔지만 사람이 너무 붐볐던 경험이 있지 않나요? 랫 풀다운을 하고 싶은데, 사람이 너무 많아 하지 못했던 적이 있으셨을 거예요. 헬스장에 사람이 가장 적을 때는 언제일까요? 1분만 투자하면 조금 더 쾌적한 환경에서 운동할 수 있을거예요. 📆 헬스장이 가장 붐비는 요일은? 헬스장이 가장 한가한 요일 : 일요일: 휴식, 나들이, 종교활동, 출근 준비 등을 위해 일요일은 보통 헬스장 출석률이 낮습니다. 사람이 가장 적은 일요일은 쾌적하게 운동을 즐길 수 있는 가장 좋은 날입니다. 금요일: 금요일 저녁부터 주말의 시작이죠. 사람들은 금요일부터 모임을 가거나 주말 휴가를 시작하는 경향이 있어 헬스장에 사람이 적습니다. 헬스장이 가장 바쁜 요일 : 월요일 : 한 주가 시작되면 헬스장에 가는 사람들이 급증하는 경우가 많으며, 많은 사람들이 한 주를 힘차게 시작하기를 원합니다. 특히 저녁 시간에는 혼잡이 더 심할 것으로 예상됩니다

  • 여자 초보 헬린이 헬스장 가슴 운동 5가지

    가슴 운동은 단순히 가슴 근육을 단련하는 것 이상의 의미를 갖습니다. 근육 강화를 넘어 전반적인 건강과 체력에 크게 기여해요. 5가지 운동은 가슴 근육을 강화하고 가슴 라인을 자연스럽게 끌어올리고 싶은 여자분들에게 적합합니다! 헬스장에서 할 수 있는 여자를 위한 Best 운동 5가지 * 체스트 프레스 머신 3세트 15회 * 벤치프레스 3세트 15회 * 인클라인 스미스 머신 벤치 프레스 3세트 15회 * 덤벨 벤치 프레스 3세트 15회 * 펙 덱 플라이 3세트 15회 여자들이 가슴 운동을 해야하는 이유, 가슴 운동의 이점 가슴 운동은 단순히 가슴 근육을 강화하는 것 이상의 이점을 제공하여 여성의 전반적인 건강과 체력에 크게 기여합니다. * 근육 강화 : 가슴 운동은 대흉근과 소흉근과 같은 근육을 강화합니다. 이는 여성의 상체 근력을 강화하는 데 도움이 됩니다. * 몸 전체 균형 : 균형잡힌 운동 루틴은

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