Dumbbell Row

Thick back
Dumbbell Row gif

Coach's Tips

Dumbbells have a wider range of movement than barbells, so they are more effective in developing muscle nerves and can make your back muscles look great!

How to Dumbbell Row

Starting Position

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides.

2. Bend your knees slightly and hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight and chest up.

3. Allow your arms to hang straight down, palms facing each other.

Proper Form

1. Keeping your elbows tucked in close to your sides, draw the dumbbells up towards your ribcage.

2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.

3. Lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position with control.

Breathing Technique

1. Exhale as you draw the dumbbells up towards your ribcage.

2. Inhale as you lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.


1. Avoid any jerky or bouncing motions.

2. Make sure to keep your back straight and chest up throughout the movement.

3. Don't allow your shoulders to round forward as you lift the weight.

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