Barbell Narrow Squat

Outer thigh
Barbell Narrow Squat gif

Coach's Tips

Literally, it's a squat that narrows the width of your feet. It's a workout that targets the muscles on the outside of your thighs because your feet are narrow.

How to Barbell Narrow Squat

Starting Position

1. Stand with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width apart and hold a barbell across your upper back, just below your neck.

2. Keep your chest up, your back straight, and your eyes looking forward.

Proper Form

1. Keeping your chest up and core engaged, bend your knees and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

2. Pause and then drive through your heels to return to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale as you lower into the squat and exhale as you return to the starting position.


1. Make sure to keep your weight in your heels as you lower into the squat.

2. Do not allow your knees to move inwards as you descend.

3. Do not allow your lower back to round as you perform the exercise.

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