Front Kick

Thigh, calorie burnout
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Coach's Tips

It's a workout that increases thigh strength by kicking and popping your feet and hands, and it's also an cardio that can manage thigh muscle size!

How to Front Kick

Starting Position

1. Stand with your feet together, knees slightly bent, and your arms in a defensive position.

2. Lift your left leg to hip height, keeping your knee slightly bent.

3. Twist your hips and upper body towards the left side, and extend your leg towards your target.

Proper Form

1. Push off the floor with your right foot and extend your left leg forward, keeping the knee slightly bent.

2. Keep your arms raised in a defensive position and twist your hips and upper body towards the left side.

3. As your left leg extends forward, imagine that you are pushing an object away from you.

4. Your left foot should be pointing down with your toes facing the ground.

5. Once your foot has reached its full extension, retract it back to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. As you push off the ground with your right foot, exhale.

2. As your left leg extends forward, inhale.

3. As your left leg retracts back to the starting position, exhale.


1. Make sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the movement.

2. Do not overextend your leg, as this could lead to an injury.

3. Do not lock your knee or push too hard, as this could also lead to an injury.

4. Make sure to keep your arms in a defensive position throughout the movement.

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